"at your library" in the north island eagle: an antidote to covid boredom: virtual book clubs
An Antidote to COVID Boredom: Virtual Book Clubs
As winter settles in on the North Island, and we continue social distancing to lessen the risks of contracting COVID-19, life can sometimes get a little monotonous. Boredom is bad for our mental health. Plus, it's boring!
If reading is one of your pleasures, perhaps now is the time to try reading with a group – a book club. The Vancouver Island Regional Library (VIRL) is offering three virtual (online) book clubs with three different themes. Like all library programs, you can join in for free. All you need is a device and an internet connection.
All the selections for these virtual book club titles will be available as eBooks and eAudiobooks with no waiting.
"Our Shared Shelf" Book Club is focused on children's chapter books that the whole family can enjoy. November's title was Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu, an adventure story about a brave 11-year-old girl on a supernatural mission to save her best friend Jack from meeting an icy end.
An early title was The Case of the Missing Moonstone, a fun mix of mystery, history, and science, imagining what would happen if Ada Lovelace (the world's first computer programmer) and Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein) formed a detective agency.
The Librarian hosting the group posts questions to get you and your child thinking about the book, and suggests activities you can do together that tie in with the themes.
"Take a Break" is an adult book club focused on lighthearted reads. The November title is The Rosie Project by Australian author Graeme Simsion. This book tells the story of a nerdy, super-organized professor who devises a questionnaire to help him meet the perfect woman. When Rosie, a bartender, enters his life, she doesn't meet any of his criteria … and things begin to get interesting
"Books & Beyond" is a book club focused on community action. After each title, the moderators propose a challenge or task for members to participate in, which help explore the topics covered in the book.
One recent "Books & Beyond" title was The Walls Around Us by Nova Ren Suma, a supernatural tale highlighting questions of guilt, innocence, and justice. The November title was The Arrival of Someday by Jen Malone, about a teenager whose world comes to a sudden halt when she learns she needs an organ transplant.
To find these virtual book clubs, go to virl.bc.ca/book-club. Scroll down to find the one (or more!) that interests you. When you click on the name of the club, you'll go to a the club's Facebook group.
Or, go through Facebook:
Our Shared Shelf: facebook.com/groups/ossbookclub
Take A Break: facebook.com/groups/takeabreakbookclub
Books & Beyond: facebook.com/groups/booksandbeyondbookclub
As always, if you need help finding these or any other library resource, ask at your favourite branch. We're here to help.
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