in which a storm reaches our basement. through the toilet.

Our basement. Last night.

Looks like some Stephen King floating around.

That wood was once a piece of floorboard. Now a raft.

Toilet opening and shutting itself.

Last night more than a foot of water and sewage came gushing through the basement toilet. The basement is Allan's office. And I was useless with my broken foot. And the basement was completely dark from a power outage.

After our first flood in 2009, our landlord put in a completely new basement and washroom. That mess was trifling compared to this.

Today Allan has been moving all his books to the spare bedroom on the second floor - a lot of books up a lot of stairs - as they were beginning to warp from the damp.

Insurance claims have been filed all around. Who knows when clean-up crews will arrive.

We are not alone! Check out these amazing pics of the flooded Greater Toronto Area. And naturally this pales compared to Alberta. But please spare me the one-upmanship. It all sucks.


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