it's pro-choice or no choice: protecting our rights

If you're in the Mississauga area and you're interested in hearing this blog live and in person, I'm giving a talk on Tuesday, April 2, sponsored by the Mississauga chapter of the International Socialists. Here are the deets.

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It's Pro-Choice or No Choice – Protecting Our Rights

Stephen Harper promised he wouldn't re-open the abortion debate, but one Conservative MP after the next has tabled motions that would limit - or even destroy - Canadian women's reproductive rights.

What are those rights, and how are they threatened? What can Canadians learn from the state of reproductive rights in the U.S.?

Join us for an informative talk by long-time pro-choice activist Laura Kaminker and a discussion of the issues.

WHAT: "Pro-Choice Canada – Protecting Our Rights"

WHEN: Tuesday, April 2, 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Room CL-2, Central Library, 301 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Mississauga

Parking in the garage under the library is FREE after 6 pm.

Sponsored by the Mississauga chapter of the International Socialists.


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