saturday across canada: end the siege of gaza

This Saturday, across Canada and around the world, people will gather to condemn Israel's massacre of Gaza. The call:
Stop Israel's war on Gaza!
Stop the killing. End the blockade. Free Palestine. Support BDS.

In Toronto:
Rally & March
Saturday, November 24 at 2:00 p.m.
Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street West
TTC: St. George or Museum

For listings across Canada, see the Canadian Peace Alliance.

Facebook event

The Canadian government has failed to condemn Israel's latest attack on Gaza. Instead, it provides Israel with the military, economic and diplomatic support necessary to carry out its acts of aggression. We call on all people of conscience to join the international Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel until it complies with international law.

And on Saturday, please join us for a city-wide rally and march in solidarity with Gaza. Tell Stephen Harper and the Canadian government: end your support for Israel's war. Show the people of Gaza and all of Palestine that we stand in solidarity with them.

Organized by:

Canadian Arab Federation
Canadian Peace Alliance
Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid
Independent Jewish Voices – Canada
Palestine House
Toronto Coalition to Stop the War

More information:

Mainstream media fails to report on atrocities against Gaza
Ten things you need to know about Gaza
Top ten myths about Israeli attack on Gaza
Counting bodies in Gaza: This is what Israeli 'self-defense' looks like
As Israel assaults Gaza, BBC reporting assaults the truth
Gaza situation report, November 19: United Nations Relief and Works Agency
In photos: Israel attacks Gaza


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