what are you doing next saturday night? join the discussion: "can we stop the harper agenda?" featuring brigette depape

On Saturday, May 26, Brigette DePape, the former parliamentary page who disrupted the 2011 Throne Speech, will speak on a panel discussing how we can make her two-word protest a reality. The panel also includes:

• Tasha Peters, an Ottawa-based organizer, activist, and member of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition. With others in her community, she facilitates popular education on direct action and anti-oppression.

• Ben Powless, a Mohawk citizen from Six Nations in Ontario who works with the Indigenous Environmental Network and Defenders of the Land, and is a founder of the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition.

• Hadayt Nazami, a human rights and immigration lawyer who has defended George Galloway, the Canadian Arab Federation, and Ahmad El Matti and Muayyed Nureddin, two Canadian citizens deported to torture.

• Michelle Robidoux, founding member of the War Resisters Support Campaign, a long-time pro-choice activist and organizer in Toronto.

WHEN: Saturday, May 26, 7:00 p.m.

WHERE: Ryerson University Student Centre, 55 Gould Street, Toronto [TTC: Dundas]

WHY: We need every idea and every bit of energy we can find. We must work together to stop the Harper agenda of militarism, eliminating social services, and turning back the clock on what we value about Canada.

$10.00 donation or pay what you can. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. More information here.


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