tomorrow: occupy toronto: all out against the corporate agenda

Join Occupy Toronto: All Out Against The Corporate Agenda

Join Occupy TO for a family friendly march to Nathan Phillips Square.
* Meet: 2:00 p.m. at the Occupation site (St James Park, Adelaide & Jarvis)
* Rally: 2:45 p.m. at Nathan Phillips Square (City Hall)

We, the 99%, will not accept cuts to our social services while our public funds are spent on corporate bailouts only to disappear into corporate tax holes.

We reject the corporate agenda of neoliberalism, privatization and union-busting.

We refuse to be saddled with student debt, only to graduate with no prospect of decent career.

We condemn the Canadian government’s continued criminalization of dissent and Harper’s scheme to spend billions on new super-prisons.

We oppose the racist demonization and deportation of migrants.

We will never accept the destruction of our environment in the name of corporate profit.

We demand an end to militarism and colonialism, at home and abroad.

Occupy Toronto is growing everyday. Join us!


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