let them stay week 2011: toronto event

As part of the pan-Canadian actions for Let Them Stay Week, a special event will take place in Toronto this Saturday. The meeting includes the first Toronto speaking appearance by Ashlea Brockway. Ashlea's husband Jeremy served in Iraq. He was denied a medical discharge despite suffering from severe post-traumatic stress and other combat-related mental health issues.

Ashlea and Jeremy came to Canada seeking refuge; they have two Canadian-born children and live in Port Colborne, Ontario. Ashlea now speaks publicly on behalf of her family and in support of all veterans who lack proper support after serving their countries.

Toronto-area supporters, you will not want to miss this very special opportunity to hear and support the Brockways.

Saturday, January 22
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Steelworkers Hall
25 Cecil Street (near College & Spadina)

With special guests:

• Ashlea Brockway: Ashlea and her husband Jeremy sought refuge in Canada with their family after he refused to return to fight in Iraq.

• Alyssa Manning, legal counsel

• James Loney, member, Christian Peacemaker Teams; former hostage in Iraq

Also featuring:

• video interview with Iraq War resister Jeremy Brockway

• mass letter-writing

• refreshments


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