vote on debate on afghanistan tonight: please make one more phone call

At 6:00 tonight, Parliament will vote on this motion submitted by the Bloc Québécois.
That this House condemn the government’s decision to unilaterally prolong the Canadian mission in Afghanistan to 2014, thus reneging on two promises made to the population – in the House on May 10, 2006 and reiterated in the Throne Speech of 2007 – to submit any military deployment to a Parliamentary vote, and the promise made January 6, 2010 to make the Afghanistan mission strictly a civilian mission after 2011, with no military presence other than the personnel required to protect the embassy.
If you agree, make your voice heard.

The virtual march on Ottawa has been a great success. Members of Parliament have been swamped with phone calls. Ten thousand postcards have been delivered; tens of thousands of signatures on petitions are being faxed to MPs offices right now.

Please take a moment to make one last call to your MP and the party leaders and demand they bring the troops home.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon

Gilles Duceppe, Leader, Bloc Quebecois

Michael Ignatieff, Leader, Liberal Party

Jack Layton, Leader, New Democratic Party

Your MP's email: here.


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