thursday november 18, join the virtual march on ottawa: don't extend it, end it!

On November 18, people all across Canada will call their MPs and the Party Leaders and demand:
Don't Extend It. End It.

The Conservative-Liberal coalition government is about to extend Canada's war in Afghanistan a full three years without so much as a Parliamentary debate.

The Prime Minster says there's no need for debate. Keeping 1,000 Canadian troops in Afghanistan at a cost of $3 billion - against the will of 80% of Canadians! - needs no further discussion.

Stephen Harper is expected to announce the details of the extension of the Canadian deployment this week. He needs to hear from you!

Let the Prime Minister and the Party Leaders know that Canadians are against any extension of the war in Afghanistan and want the troops brought home now.

On Thursday, November 18, join the virtual march on Ottawa. Phone, email, fax and write your MP and the Party leaders. Demand an end to this endless, useless war.

Step 1
Just cut and paste the following e-mails into the address line:

Step 2
Find your MP's email: here.

Step 3
Send your email. If you want, cc the Canadian Peace Alliance at

Step 4
Call the party leaders and cabinet ministers.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper

Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon

Gilles Duceppe, Leader, Bloc Quebecois (calling for debate on war extension)

Michael Ignatieff, Leader, Liberal Party (doing Harper's bidding)

Jack Layton, Leader, New Democratic Party (calling for debate on war extension)

Step 5
Organize or join an emergency action in your town.

In Toronto there will be mass leafleting on Saturday, November 20, 1:00 pm at Dundas Square.

In Ottawa there will be a picket at Stephen Harper's office on Saturday, November 20, 1:00 pm.

In many other cities, people are hitting the streets with Don't Extend It! End it! postcards and petitions.

Step 6

Write letters to the editor of your local newspaper. Please letters short (less than 200 words) and focused.

* * * *

If you are sick and tired of this war, and this government's total disregard for democracy, speak out.


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