ladies and gentlemen, it's rolling stones day!

Tonight, I put aside peace activism and get back to rock and roll.

"Ladies and Gentlemen ... The Rolling Stones," the legendary concert film of the Stones' 1972 US Tour is coming to your town. And more importantly, it's coming to my town!

This film, a document of the Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World (TM) touring the Greatest Rock Album of All Time, has long been bootlegged. Most Stones fans have seen bits and pieces over the years, but not the whole thing, and not in good condition. On October 12, the movie finally will be officially released on DVD. And in advance of that, there is a one-night-only screening in theatres throughout North America - tonight.

We are going and we are psyched!

In a fitting coincidence, the last time Allan and I were in a movie theatre - other than for activism - was to see another Stones movie, Martin Scorcese's "Shine A Light," in IMAX.

This is a real Laura-and-Allan moment. We share many things, but "Exile On Main Street" just may be the basis of our entire relationship.

A bit more about "Ladies and Gentlemen..." and how excited we are here on JoS.


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