have you called your opposition mp today?

We have an historic opportunity to reaffirm Canada as a haven for conscientious objectors to war - and to force the Harper government to respect the will of Parliament and of the people.

Please call your NDP, Liberal or Bloc MP and ask them to support Bill C-440!

* * * * *

From the War Resisters Support Campaign to all our supporters:

URGENT ACTION ALERT – Ask your MP to vote for Bill C-440

Dear friends,

We thank you for your ongoing support for Iraq war resisters. The campaign to allow these resisters to stay in Canada has reached a critical moment.

Bill C-440, the Iraq war resisters bill, will go to a vote on Second Reading next week (likely on Wednesday September 29th).

The Bill, which follows on two concurrence motions which were passed in the House of Commons, represents the will of Parliament and the democratic will of Canadians.

IF YOUR Member of Parliament is an opposition MP (from the Liberals, NDP or Bloc) please urge them to be in the House to support Bill C-440!


Please take a moment and phone your MP to ask that they vote in favour of the Bill. You can also use our online form to send an email to your Member of Parliament.

Here are points that you can raise when you call your MP:

• Say that you are a constituent and that you are asking your MP to vote in support of Bill C-440, the Iraq War resisters bill. This crucial vote on Second Reading is expected the week of September 27th.

• The bill will give legal weight to the two motions previously passed by Parliament in 2008 and 2009.

• The Conservative minority government has refused to implement those motions which were supported by all three opposition parties.

• Iraq war resisters are facing deportation at the hands of the Harper government.

• Polls indicate that two-thirds of Canadians support Canada allowing Iraq war resisters to stay in this country.

To find the contact information for your MP, go to the House of Commons search page and enter your postal code.

If you are calling your MP, it will have the greatest impact if you call both their constituency office and their Ottawa office.

With thanks,
War Resisters Support Campaign


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