pupdate and us-update

First and last, thank you to everyone who posted here and/or on Facebook, or sent supportive emails, texts and anything else. Your support and understanding really means a lot to us.

Many people have been asking about us and about Tala, so I thought I should post an update.

We are sad, but fine. This was what professionals call "a good death," meaning the person or creature died with dignity, not in pain, surrounded by love, and at peace. For a dog, I think it also means that the people were comfortable and at peace with the decision to let the dog go.

Allan and I have lost animals suddenly, and young. We were knocked out by grief: inconsolable. We have friends who went through that recently, and it's a nightmare. Losing Cody was nothing like that.

I miss Cody, and my heart aches for her. But I am comforted knowing that she lived her full lifespan. It's never long enough, but for a larger dog and a rescue, 13 years old is a good showing. I mean that most sincerely and profoundly. Think of it as the difference between losing an elderly grandparent to old age and losing a young friend in a traumatic accident. One is far worse.

Tala seems to be doing well. The day of Cody's death and the following day, she seemed confused and a bit down. Last night Allan found her curled up in Cody's ditch, something Tala had never done. That worried me. But this morning Tala and I went on a long walk and she seemed like herself.

I'm concerned about this weekend. We work long hours, and dogwalkers come in to feed and exercise them. Her. Tala has never been alone all weekend. Cody would lie on the bed (as if we didn't know!) and Tala would be in her crate, and they would be together the whole time. Now Tala will be all by herself. There's nothing I can do about that right now. One day she'll have another sister, but not yet.

Other than that, I think she'll adjust pretty quickly.

We've put away Cody's bowl and leash sooner than I normally would, to help Tala into a new routine. I'm sure for her the house smells of Cody and maybe it always will - their sense of smell is so acute - but at least we can start building the new Tala-only universe.

So thanks again, and wmtc will resume regular programming soon.


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