tonight in toronto: dinner and a movie in support of war resisters support campaign

It's a very busy week for me as we get ready for our vacation. But I have been remiss: there's a War Resisters Support Campaign fundraiser tonight, and I've only posted about it on Facebook! Oops.

If you're in Toronto and don't have plans tonight, please come by. There'll be dinner, a screening of our new film "War Resisters Speak Out," and a legal update from Alyssa Manning, who will speak about the recent court ruling in favour of Jeremy Hinzman and its implications for the Campaign. Plus, of course, socializing with cool people. Dinner will feature a delectable dessert treat from our friends at Sweet Creamery. For a suggested donation of $20, how can you go wrong?

WHAT: Dinner, movie, campaign update, fun

WHEN: Tonight, July 21, doors open 6:00, program begins 7:00

WHERE: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil Street, Toronto

WHY: Support Bill C-440! Let Them Stay!


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