tomorrow in toronto: rally for jeremy hinzman and bill c-440

If you're in Toronto, please join us tomorrow morning for a rally outside the Federal Court building. Jeremy Hinzman's case be heard in the Federal Court of Appeals, and the later the same day, Bill C-440 will begin second reading in the House of Commons. Join us as we will stand in solidarity with the Hinzman family and with all war resisters, and as we call on the Government to pass Bill C-440 and Let Them Stay.

When: Tuesday, May 25, 2010, 8:00 am to 10:00 am

Where: Federal Court Building, 180 Queen Street West (west of University Ave, Osgoode subway), Toronto

Facebook event here.

Jeremy Hinzman was the first US Iraq War resister to seek refuge in Canada because he refused to participate in the illegal and immoral Iraq war. After unsuccessfully trying to be reassigned or recognized as a conscientious objector by the US military, Jeremy moved to Toronto with his wife and young son in January 2004. In 2008 they welcomed a new, Canadian daughter into their family.

A majority of Canadians have expressed their support for allowing Jeremy and other Iraq war resisters to stay in Canada. Yet Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Minister of Immigration Jason Kenney, who both wanted Canada to participate in the Iraq War, continue to try to deport resisters.

War resisters Robin Long and Cliff Cornell were sentenced to long prison terms in US military prisons because the Harper government refused to respect two House of Commons motions (passed June 3, 2008 and March 30, 2009) to stop deporting war resisters and to let them stay. Many other resisters, including Kim Rivera, Dean Walcott and Phil McDowell, live under the threat of deportation.

On May 25th, the Federal Court of Appeal will hold a hearing on Jeremy's case.

On the same day, the first hour of debate on Bill C-440 will take place in the House of Commons. Bill C-440 is a Private Member's Bill which was introduced by Gerard Kennedy and seconded by Bill Siksay. If passed, the Bill will give legal weight to the two motions on war resisters and would force the Conservative government to respect the will of Canadians and the will of Parliament and allow war resisters to stay.

On May 25th, join the rally to support Jeremy Hinzman, his family and all U.S. Iraq War resisters in Canada, and to call on the House of Commons to adopt Bill C-440.

It is time - past time - long past time - for the Harper government to respect democracy. It is time to Let Them Stay!


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