gaza flotilla massacre: israel adds to its eternal shame

What could be more shameful than slaughtering people trying to bring aid to a trapped and dispossessed people?

The apartheid system that dispossesses those people in the first place.

This from the "only democracy in the Middle East". From the "light unto the nations" I learned about as a young person.

Shame, shame, shame.

Boycott - Divest - Sanction. What you do will not be much, but what we all do will have an impact.

Details on public response to the massacre will be updated on the Gaza Freedom March website.


In Toronto, meet at the Israeli Consulate, 180 Bloor Street West. Vigil at noon. Rally at 5:00.

On Facebook, Outrage over the Freedom Flotilla Massacre, May 31 2010 will have updates of protests around the globe.


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