project maddie in the toronto star

The Star has a great story about Project Maddie!

You may recall that Project Maddie is the brainchild of my friend and fellow activist Kim Ford (sometimes known as Dharma Seeker). I heard about a war-resister family in a serious financial crisis, and contacted Kim, wondering if she could connect them with resources to help feed their Golden Retriever, Maddie. The next thing I knew, we were dropping off food donations with Maddie's mom, and Kim decided it was time to launch her dream project.

The Star story also profiles the Companion Animals Wellness Foundation, K9 Rescue Me and other initiatives to help people and animals get and stay together.

The best thing about the story, from an organizer's point of view, is that it includes a link to the Project Maddie blog. Here's hoping the donations will soon be rolling in.


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