bill c-440 to let them stay: second reading begins may 25!

We've learned that Bill C-440, which would allow US war resisters to apply for permanent resident status in Canada, will begin second reading on May 25. This is very exciting!

This is the same date as a major court hearing for war resister Jeremy Hinzman, so the Campaign is rocking.

We have a lot to do between now and that first hour of debate at the end of May, and there are some concrete steps you can take to help.

  • Postcards! Have you signed one? Have you asked your friends, family and cohorts to sign? There's still time. The new final date to get your signed postcards in is May 21.

  • MPs! Tell your MP you support Bill C-440 and you want to know if she or he will be supporting it, too. Although there will not be a vote on May 25, this is the time to lay the groundwork. Click here to email your MP.

  • Donate!

  • In Toronto, stay tuned for info about an exciting Campaign event featuring Naomi Klein and the spirit of Howard Zinn. Details coming soon.
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