each one, reach one: waterloo war resisters edition

In January, I co-organized a war resisters event in Mississauga. We had a small turnout, but a very engaging discussion, we got a little local media coverage, and felt it was a successful event. There were three surprise attendees: a friend we know through our Red Sox community, his girlfriend, and a friend of theirs.

The two women were so moved by what they heard at the Mississauga meeting, that they decided to organize their own event at the University of Waterloo. This was very gratifying to me as an organizer, and it speaks to the power of the war resisters' stories.

If you're in the K-W area, you can hear many of these stories for yourself tomorrow night. Two war resisters will be there to speak and answer questions, and there will be a screening of "War Resisters Speak Out," a film of a past event, in which (former) CBC radio host and former Vietnam War deserter Andy Barrie interviews a dozen war resisters.

Details here - a cool website to check out whether or not you can attend.

WHEN: Thursday March 11, 6:00 pm

WHERE: University of Waterloo Campus, Tatham Centre Room 2218

WHY: Support Bill C-440! LET THEM STAY!


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