we're back

Many people have expressed concern about our getting back into our country of choice. So this is to say: we are back.

We expected no trouble and had none. On the weekend after US Thanksgiving, there's always a wait at the border as Canadians declare their conspicuous consumption. The guy in the toll booth said, "Here, take this and go," as he handed us our change. It was amusing.

It was a long drive and I am still fighting a stupid cold. But we had a great time with family and friends, and both pups are fine. Tala will miss Sora, the Boston Terrier puppy who was camping out here with our dogsitter.

I'm home tomorrow, and on Monday Allan will... drumroll... begin moving his stuff back into the basement! Yes, after four long months, the flood repairs and basement reno are finally done. Nothing like an ongoing rent rebate to suddenly concentrate a landlord's time.


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