annual u.s. thanksgiving road trip

I am so enjoying the shitstorm swirling around Richard Colvin's courageous revelations, and the predictably cowardly Government smear campaign, the Conservatives as always more interested in protecting themselves politically than any semblance of doing the right thing. As corroborations pour in from various sources, it will be interesting to watch these slimy bastards squirm. As entertaining as the political show can be, let's not forget what we (re)learned about the war in Afghanistan.

Last year while we were gone for US Thanksgiving, democracy broke out! RIP Coalition, one year ago. Then came the Demonize Quebec campaign, then the prorogue. What will happen while we're away this year??

I will leave you with one thought. During a speech yesterday, Prime Minister Stephen Harper urged journalists to "shine light into dark corners" of government affairs. Then he refused to take questions from reporters.

Now we're off for our annual 10-hour drive which ends at my mom's place. I can't wait to see everyone! Sadly, this trip includes a shiva call, as a member of our extended family passed away this weekend. It was not a shock (cancer), but he was a great guy, much loved. Other than that, the trip should be great, and I'm also glad I can be there for to pay respects.

Speaking of predictable and cowardly (not my friend, the Conservatives!), cue the trolls exhorting me to stay out of the country. Yes, after all these years, they're still at it. Nothing ever new in those peabrains. My apologies to peas.


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