let them stay reason # 5: because iraq is an environmental disaster

The sixth of a ten-part series: top ten reasons why US Iraq War Resisters should be allowed to stay in Canada.

Reason # 5: from Rex Wyler, ecologist, author and Vietnam War resister.

Reason # 6 from Naomi Klein, award-winning author, filmmaker, activist, Canadian. Daughter of war resister.

Reason # 7 from Olivia Chow, Member of Parliament.

Reason # 8 from Bill King, musician, producer, Vietnam war deserter.

Reason # 9 from Maude Barlow of the Council of Canadians.

Reason # 10 from Alex Neve of Amnesty International.

Here's 85,000 more reasons. The Iraqi government has released its first official death toll report. It says 85,000 Iraqis were killed from 2004 to 2008.

Other ongoing sources for civilian death tolls: Iraq Body Count, invasion of Iraq casualties on Wikipedia.


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