war resister legal defense: the return of fundable

Fundable is back!

Earlier this year, our Fundable campaign for war resister legal defense was so successful that we're trying again.

You know the drill. We have 25 days to raise a certain amount of money. If we don't meet the goal by the time the clock runs out, the pledges are wiped out, and the Campaign gets nothing. If we meet our goal, your pledge turns into a donation to the War Resisters Support Campaign.

We've set the same modest goal of $2500. Last time we raised about $4800! Who knows what will happen this time.

Even if you can't make a pledge, you can still help. You can grab the URL from the Fundable page and circulate it: through Facebook, Twitter, blogs, email lists and your own personal contacts.

Donors can pledge as little as $10 - or as much as they like! - and they can use either credit card or PayPal. If the pledge becomes a donation, it is converted to US funds.

We have 25 days... starting now!

War Resister Legal Defense Fund September 2009


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