stress update

Short version: much calmer. What felt like overload a few weeks ago is suddenly very manageable. Nothing like total overload to change your perspective on your burdens!

  • Dogs. We have a new dogwalker, and she's also house- and dog-sitting while we're in New Mexico. She has a lot of experience with dogs and good references, and seems like a good find. Fingers crossed.

  • Flood. Renovation hasn't started on the basement. This is actually good, as every time it rains, we can check for leaks. Everything is stripped bare - paneling and drywall removed, floor down to the concrete. If everything stays dry until the reno begins, we'll be happy to stay in this house and not have to move.

    It's very inconvenient not having the basement, especially for Allan, who has lost his wonderful office and lair.

    I'm considering asking for a break on the rent, but I'm also reluctant. We've lost one-third of our living area, and I do think we deserve something off one month.

    But our landlord has a lot on his plate right now; his own residence flooded, too. He's not a big management company; this is his only rental property, and he does take good care of it. I don't want to create bad feelings. So I'm still mulling it over.

  • RSI. Physio and exercise for my repetitive stress injuries seem to be going well, although I have a long way to go. My employer is not bothering me about it, and there's plenty of other work without doing the tasks that were causing me problems.

  • Travel. With the flood and dog crises fading, I'm actually starting to relax enough to look forward to our trip. During three days of family gatherings - rehearsal dinner, wedding, brunch - we'll also have some time to see some of Santa Fe. Then we have three and a half days in New Mexico.

    We'll probably focus on the north and northwest part of the state, which seems to be rich with ancient Native American sites and other things that interest us. Bandelier National Monument and Chaco Culture National Historic Site are good possibilities. There are also several scenic by-ways to choose from in that area. I must go horseback riding. I love it and haven't been in a very long time.

    I've ruled out Carlsbad Caverns, a National Park in the southeast corner of the state. I'd love to go there, but it's too far away given the limited time we have. This frees us for more fun stuff closer to Santa Fe.

  • Me. I feel sad about having to pull back from the Campaign. I am deeply committed to seeing this fight through to the end, and once I get settled in a new routine, I hope I can still contribute. But at least for September, my contribution will be limited to blogging.

    I considered putting off school until the Campaign ends - that is, until we win - but the school has only September enrolment, and I don't want to wait a full year to get started on a multi-year project.

    My class and work schedule has fallen into place. I had a major concern about getting the class sections I needed in order to make my busy schedule work. I was waitlisted for everything, and I got them all. Big relief!

    The only thing not yet in place is a small part-time job with the Mississauga Library System. I need more income, and since I hope eventually to be a librarian in Mississauga, a job there makes sense. Plus they have very part-time jobs, for only a handful of hours a week. I don't know yet if the Library will work around my crowded schedule.
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