mom visit

My mother arrives today, staying until Thursday morning. I miss her and I'm excited to see her.

Connie - my mother - has been coming up every year since we moved here, but we've never done any sightseeing together.

The first year, when Allan and I lived near the Lake, we all worked around our house, walked on the Waterfront Trail, and poked around Port Credit.

The following year we had several plans, including the ROM, but shortly before the trip, Connie had injured her ankle and could barely walk. (She eventually needed surgery, but is fine now.)

Then last year, it was my turn. I was recuperating from a huge writing project, and we just did errands and relaxed.

We always have a good time, so whatever happens is fine, but this year, I hope to be a bit more active. I have two destinations in mind. Naturally, expect a report.


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