may 26 vigil for war resister dale landry

On Tuesday, May 26, Toronto-area supporters of US war resisters will gather outside the Federal Court to show support for former US soldier Dale Landry. Dale was granted leave to appeal the IRB's negative decision in his refugee claim.

Dale is a principled and outspoken activist on behalf of peace, and for all other war resisters. He lives in the Parkdale section of Toronto and works at reBoot Canada, a nonprofit company that provides computers, training and technical support to charities and low-income people. Dale is an active member of the War Resisters Support Campaign, and I'm honoured to call him my friend.

Dale is profiled in this story in the Dallas Observer, and this story from Guelph (he's the one of the left).

If you're in Toronto on Tuesday, please join us for a vigil in support of Dale, and if you can, attend the hearing.

When: Tuesday, May 26, 8:30 a.m.
Where: Federal Court Building, 180 Queen Street West (west of University)
Subway: Osgoode


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