jason kenney, contortionist

This Toronto Star story about the recent, excellent development in Kim Rivera's case represents a breakthrough for the Campaign to Let Them Stay. It may be the first mainstream media story that mentions - not in a quote from the Campaign - the motion, now passed twice in Parliament, in favour of the Iraq War resisters in Canada.

Jason Kenney continues to prejudice the entire refugee process with his totally inappropriate announcements in the media. He continues to display his disregard - his contempt - for an impartial process, and for democracy.

In case you missed it, when asked about the war resisters on a recent visit to Calgary, this was Kenney's response. It's repeated in the Star story.
We're not going to contort the refugee laws to suit some people's political agenda.

Who's contorting what, Mr. Kenney? Who's got the political agenda? Parliament has voted twice to stop the deportations and let war resisters stay in Canada, but your government ignores that because it doesn't suit your political agenda!

* * * *

Why not take a moment today and write a letter to the Star in support of war resisters? Kenney out! Resisters in!


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