
The Canadian media is a 14-year-old going on her first real date, and she thinks the boy is way out of her league. He's soooo hot, and ohmigod he's like the President of the United States! I can't believe he even knows my name!

From the letters in today's Globe and Mail:
The media, like the throngs of greeters, singers and bell-ringers who await the arrival of "you-know-who" in Ottawa, ought to be denounced as mere sycophants reflecting the kind of colonial mentality Canadians once reserved for monarchs. At least the current monarch is ours - well, sort of. He, however, is definitely not ours, and thank God it still is so.

Frankly, ever since the start of the U.S. primaries, all the hype heaped upon the man in Canada was absolutely "obaminable."

L.W. Naylor, Stratford, Ontario

Last night I heard someone say that the extreme hype over Obama's first visit to Canada is because "they rule us, and we don't get a vote". Maybe "we" would feel less ruled if "we" didn't act like the servile class. Note to Canadian media: grow up!


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