two years of tala

Another Redsock guest post - L

It's Tala Day! Tala has been the most entertaining member of our family for two years.

Here are some pictures, chronological for the most part.

The first photo is the one that started it all. About a year after we lost Buster, we decided we were ready to adopt another dog. At work, we would each look at dogs for adoption on Petfinder and email pictures to each other. But because we knew we were moving, we decided to hold off for a few months. ... But Laura kept looking.

One day she emailed me a link; subject line: "Where is Churchville, New York?" I took one look and replied: "I don't know, but that's where we're going!" Here are the pictures that stole our hearts.

tala from petfinder 01

tala from petfinder 03

tala from petfinder 02

Churchville turned out to be near Rochester, in Western New York - and we were going to be passing by on our US Thanksgiving road trip. We brought her a Maple Leaf bandana as a present. [L Update: these pics were taken at Husky Savers, the amazing Husky Rescue home in Churchville.]

meeting tala 04


We moved after New Year's, went to the Ice Hotel for our 20th anniversary, then brought Tala home at the end of the month.

Winter 2007

tala cody backyard snow 056

tala cody backyard snow 050

tala cody backyard snow2 017

tala cody backyard snow2 034

Summer 2007

tala cody backyard 03 105

tala cody backyard 03 054

tala cody backyard 03 136

dogs in the sun 10

dogs in the sun 01

dogs in the sun 04

Autumn 2007 (Cottage)

cottage sept 07 016

cottage sept 07 019

cottage sept 07 036

Winter 2008

backyard snow feb 07 08 009

backyard snow feb 07 08 010

tala & cody august 08

Summer 2008

halton hills 009

halton hills 012

Praying The Hose Will Suddenly Start Spraying Her

hose 002

Autumn 2008

cody dirt 004

bones 001

bones 014

tala cody autumn 2008 049

tala cody autumn 2008 040

tala cody autumn 2008 038

tala cody autum 2009 046

tala cody autumn 2008 023

Thanks to L's new phone, we now have video capability. We haven't gotten anything really great yet, but we'll post a bunch of videos sooner or later.


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