"how many palestinian lives equal a single israeli life?"

Perhaps the only thing shocking about Israel's massive and sustained attack on Gaza is that some Canadians and Americans still defend Israel's actions.

This is, supposedly, self-defense. It's simply mind-boggling. I find it difficult to respond in any coherent way. It leaves me speechless and head-shaking, so I'll borrow other people's words.

Here are two letters from today's Globe and Mail.
If Israel was really interested in the security of its people, it would have had direct talks with Hamas (it was already in indirect talks with Hamas over its captured soldier) to end the Israeli blockade of Gaza and the Palestinian militant rocket attacks, both of which are violations of international law. This would have avoided the unnecessary bloodshed and escalation of violence we are now witnessing.

Israel knows it cannot avoid harm to innocent Palestinian civilians by "targeting" Hamas security centres in urban areas, given that roughly half of the 1.5 million people in densely populated Gaza are children. International human-rights law re-quires that Israel avoid excessive use of force leading to the killing and injuring of civilians.

Rula Odeah, Kirkland, Quebec


How many Palestinian lives equal a single Israeli life? As of yesterday, about 290 and counting.

Trust Israel to take what is, on the surface, a defensible national security action and turn it into a display of disproportionate violence. And to what end?

These actions have only strengthened Hamas and the willingness of Palestinians to resist Israel. They have done nothing to stop the rocket attacks that are the ostensible cause of this most recent incursion.

Why not try something new? Perhaps Israel could recognize that Hamas was democratically elected by the Palestinian people and open negotiations, without preconditions. Maybe it could appreciate the importance of talking to your enemies, not just your friends.

And perhaps Israel and its Western allies could stop pretending that Hamas poses any significant threat to Israel. As this most recent display has proven, the Palestinians are almost pathetically powerless.

Shaun Narine, Fredericton

Two more Canadians were killed in Afghanistan this weekend. Defence Department figures show that more than 360 Canadian soldiers have been wounded in the past three years of fighting in southern Afghanistan. The 360 figure "represents the number of troops wounded since Canada took on a major role in the more dangerous southern part of the country in 2006 and does not include those hurt between 2002 and 2005".

We don't know how many Afghans have been killed and wounded.

Israel doesn't listen to the international outcry against its aggression any more than the US does. But we can still make Canada listen to Canadians. Let's not forget Canada's role in the violence that currently stalks the world, and let's make it stop.


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