how to feel miserable as an artist

I don't know who wrote this or where it's from. I found it in Allan's office. He doesn't know where it came from either.

(Or, what not to do.)

1. Constantly compare yourself to other artists.

2. Talk to your family about what you do and expect them to cheer you on.

3. Base the success of your entire career on one project.

4. Stick with what you know.

5. Undervalue your expertise.

6. Let money dictate what you do.

7. Bow to societal pressures.

8. Only do work that your family would love.

9. Do whatever the client/customer/gallery owner/patron/publisher/investor asks.

10. Set unachievable/overwhelming goals. To be accomplished by tomorrow.

For more excellent guideposts on the creative process, see Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland, and Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.

Update: This great list was seen here, at Keri Smith's blog, The Wish Jar. Thanks to Lee for spotting it - and for still checking in with wmtc!


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