screen "breaking ranks" film for war resisters

As part of your organizing for the National Day of Action on September 13, consider using Michelle Mason's film about war resisters, "Breaking Ranks". The film features war resister Jeremy Hinzman and his family, who face deportation back to the US - and Jeremy's court martial, and prison - on September 23.

A screening and letter-writing party is not hard to organize. It can be done in someone's living room, or in a community space in a local library.

To borrow a public copy of "Breaking Ranks" from the National Film Board, contact Jane Gutteridge at j.gutteridge at nfb dot ca. You can also try the library, or invest in a copy for your organization. It's an excellent film and well worth your money.

Parliament reconvenes on September 15, so September 13 or 14 is the perfect time to gather people to watch the movie, then write letters to their MPs, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and Citizen and Immigration Minister Diane Finley.

If you've never done something like this, it's easier than you might think. One wmtc reader - who says she's never organized anything before - contacted her town's NDP riding association, who jumped at the opportunity. This gives you a base of supporters to tap into it, which you can expand through leafletting and a few well-placed flyers.

If you're intrigued, feel free to email me for tips.


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