how you can support robin long

As I hope you know, war resister Robin Long is in a US military jail, facing punishment for refusing to participate in the Iraq War.

Robin is currently being held at Fort Carson, Colorado. Lee Zaslofsky, one of the mainstays of our national campaign and a Vietnam War deserter, is on his way there to visit Robin, so I'll soon have an update on his condition.

You can send letters of support to Robin at:
Robin Long, CJC
2739 East Las Vegas
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906

We are told:

Robin is allowed to receive handwritten or typewritten letters. They must not include drawings made with markers, lipstick, crayons, or stickers or any printed articles. He cannot receive enclosures of any type except small photographs (up to 4x6 inches). Photographs can only be printed from a photo developer, not from a home printer or from photocopies, and no Polaroids. He can receive no more than nine photos at a time. Mail that violates these rules will be locked up with Robin's personal belongings, and he won't see them.

Control freaks, anyone?

Please don't forget Robin.

And don't forget there are hundreds of other war resisters and their families in Canada. Each one of them has risked their freedom and their futures to say no to an illegal and immoral war. We must help them stay safe and free in Canada. We must keep the pressure on.

Contact this stubborn, immoral, anti-democrat, minority Government. Urge them to immediately cease all deportation proceedings against other US war resisters, and to respect the will of Canadians and their elected representatives by implementing the motion adopted by Parliament on June 3. Please see the take action page for what you can do.

Contact information and ideas for actions are here.


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