war resisters speak out in diane finley's riding

Patrick Hart in Port Dover, Ontario, the riding of Immigration Minister Diane Finley.

Phil McDowell at the same event.

Chuck Wiley, also in Port Dover.

Three voices for peace and justice, speaking out on June 7, 2008 in Port Dover, Ontario. Port Dover is located in the riding of Conservative Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Diane Finley. We remind Ms. Finley and the Harper Government that they are morally and ethically obliged to obey the will of Parliament, who, on June 3, 2008, voted to let U.S. War Resisters stay in Canada.

Port Dover residents have established a local War Resisters Support Campaign. To join, e-mail them at resistersindover@hotmail.com.

Thanks to the great Alex Lisman for sending these along.


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