july 2: national day of action in support of corey glass

I've been getting lots of email related to the War Resister Support Campaign. I'm sorry to be out of touch at such a critical time, although of course I'm happy to be in Newfoundland and on vacation. One bit of organizing I can do is pass along some important info.

This Wednesday, July 2, is a national day of action in support of Corey Glass and all the war resisters in Canada. We're asking all our supporters to call, fax or email Minister of Citizenship & Immigration Diane Finley.

This is not a symbolic action or an idle exercise. Your phone calls, emails and letters were instrumental - were crucial - in moving the Liberal Party off the fence and on our side. And with that Liberal support, the motion calling on the Government to allow Iraq War resisters to stay in Canada passed in the House of Commons on June 3 by a vote of 137-110. The Campaign is now lobbying Conservative MPs to implement the motion.

Our talking points are very simple:

  • stop deportation proceedings against Corey Glass and all U.S. Iraq war resisters, and

  • implement the motion adopted by Parliament to allow U.S. Iraq war resisters to apply for permanent resident status.

    More details:

    Iraq War resister Corey Glass is still facing deportation on July 10th, despite the Parliament of Canada having voted in favour of a motion to let Corey and other Iraq War resisters stay.

    The federal government and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration must respect the will of Parliament and implement the motion which calls on the government to "immediately implement a program to allow conscientious objectors and their immediate family members . . . to apply for permanent resident status and remain in Canada; and . . . the government should immediately cease any removal or deportation actions . . . against such individuals."

    Your call:

    As many wmtc readers have said, the call will take less than one minute, and is totally painless. An assistant will answer the phone. You say, "I'm calling with a message for Minister Finley." The assistant may transfer you to someone else, or to voice mail, or may take the message him- or herself. Then you'll state your message, such as, "I am urging Minister Finley to..." with whatever you want to say. The assistant will thank you, and that's it.

    In my experience, you won't be asked for personal information, although if you are, you shouldn't be afraid to give it. Or you can decline to give your personal information; that's your right, too.

    So please mark your calendar for Wednesday, July 2. I will post a reminder as well. (I'm loving this Blogger "schedule post" function.)

    Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Diane Finley:
  • Ottawa office 613.996.4974
  • constituency office 519.426.3400
  • minister@cic.gc.ca
  • finled1@parl.gc.ca

    Thank you for supporting US war resisters in Canada. Thank you for supporting peace.
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