wingnut fixation

There's a certain blog.

A reactionary wingnut blog, written by a Canadian woman.

Like her wingnut comrades, she's not big on facts. A lot of heat, not much light. Lots of vitriol and bile. Lots of mindless saluting and flag-waving. So what's new. Perhaps she fancies herself the Canadian Ann Coulter. That should be all the description you need.

This blog supposedly gets a lot of traffic. But if what I see at Progressive Bloggers is any indication, many of those clicks are from progressives, who read her blog, then denounce her on their own blogs. They pound their fists on their keyboards. All the while, of course, publicizing her blog.

I don't get it.

All activists want to keep apprised of what their opponents are doing, but in my opinion, right-wing blogs don't figure into that equation. This woman is not an MP. She's not an influential writer or thinker. She's in no position to make public policy, or to sway public opinion. People who agree with her are already a lost cause.

And if she does influence someone? What can be done about that? We can't run around the internet trying to correct every mistake and counter every argument.

Why hand her so much publicity? Why the constant highlighting of her posts? Why is any progressive person at her blog in the first place to even know what she is posting? (And before you tell me how I must have read her blog in order to write this post, I went once, months ago, to see what all the fuss is about. I scrolled through a few dozen posts, and never returned.)

If I were this blogger, I'd be laughing all the way to the Statcounter Bank. "I make provocative statements, and look how the moonbats dance!"

Why let this woman push your buttons?


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