wmtc reader poll

The excellent satirist-blogger Jon Swift is doing a Best of 2007 round-up. He's asking bloggers to submit their best post of the past year.

For purely personal posts, this was a big hit. And nothing was quite as wonderful as THIS.

But I've got to go for something a little more topical, not quite so specifically personal. The personal-is-political realm, which is my strength, such as it is.

Allan combed through the muck and found ten or so good entries. From those, I narrowed it down to six.

Could you help me choose? The nominees, in order of appearance, are:

(a) May 11: better living through canada

(b) June 2: on luck

(c) June 15: apathy, laziness, fear? or something else?

(d) July 1: reality check: violence against women

(e) July 30: the tyranny of the subconscious

(f) August 26: invasion of the brain snatchers

(g) None of the above. They all suck.

Allan noticed I do my best blogging in summer. I believe that was a function of unemployment. Lots of time to think.

Please vote in comments, and thank you in advance.

Also, if you want to submit something to Mr Swift's Best Of efforts, he'll be happy to hear from you at modestjonswift at g mail.


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