we are happy to serve you

My favourite mug, home to my morning caffeine fix since 1996, is on the disabled list with a career-ending injury. The mug was my favourite souvenir from when I covered the 1996 Paralympics in Atlanta. When I discovered the hairline crack, I retired it to decorative status.

mug old

Who will replace the trusty Paralympic mug? I've been using a bland Ikea replacement until a suitable player could be signed.

Prime Minister of Red Sox Nation to the rescue. While scurrying around New York City last week, Allan bought this for me.

mug new

If you are lucky enough to have visited New York before the Starbucks Era, you will recognize the ubiquitous coffee shop mug. Most of the zillions of coffee shops (i.e., diners) in New York City are owned by Greeks, hence the design.

Allan once bought me a t-shirt with this same design, but it died many years ago. This is even better: a daily reminder of my hometown. The mug doesn't have a handle, but it's made of thick ceramic, so the outside doesn't get too hot.

The box says the We Are Happy To Serve You mug is a "classy, useful New York souvenir," and reminds you that "the future is green" (box made from recycled paper). More at We Are Happy To Serve You.


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