let them stay: urgent action needed

This is a heads-up about something you can do this Friday, November 2 to help US war resisters stay in Canada.

Last week, Patrick Hart and Corey Glass, two war resisters here in Canada, received pre-removal risk assessments ("PRA") from the Immigration and Refugee Board. Along with Robin Long, this makes three resisters who have received PRAs in the last two weeks.

The PRA is the first step in the process that can lead to deportation.

Patrick Hart, who spoke at the rally last Saturday, was told to prepare to leave. Patrick is in Canada with his wife and 5-year-old son. They want only to live in peace, as ordinary people, and one day to be Canadian.

Both the Bloc Québécois and the New Democratic Party support a provision for asylum for US war resisters. Now we must pressure the opposition Liberals and the minority government to Let Them Stay.

Canadians: On Friday, November 2, please contact your MP and key members of government.

US readers: Courage To Resist is launching a campaign for Americans to help war resisters in Canada. More on that in a separate post.

In Canada:

Ask: Will you and your party support a provision to allow US war resisters to stay in Canada?

Key points to highlight:

  • A recent poll shows that over 64% of Ontario residents think war resisters should be allowed to stay in Canada, including a majority of Conservative and Liberal voters. (Sorry for the Ontario-centricity; that's where the poll was taken.)

  • Since Canada didn't join the invasion of Iraq, we should support the soldiers who refuse to participate in this illegal and immoral war.

  • US war resisters face imprisonment and even the death penalty if they return to the US. No one should face punishment for complying with international law - and for refusing to participate in torture and murder.

    Who To Call: [any and all]
    The Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister:
    phone 613.992.4211
    fax 613.941.6900 (faxes are good too if you have a machine)

    The Hon. Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship and Immigration:

    The Hon. Stéphane Dion, Leader of the Opposition (Liberal):

    Michael Ignatieff, Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Liberal):

    The Hon. Maurizio Bevilacqua, Opposition Critic for Citizenship and Immigration (Liberal):

    After you call, take a moment to let the Support Campaign know about your effort: resisters@sympatico.ca.

    This massive call-in effort will take place across Canada on Friday, November 2. I'll post reminders on Thursday and Friday, but meanwhile, please bookmark this page and make a note on your calendars. If you blog, you can post this, or post it on your Facebook, MySpace or LiveJournal page.

    What kind of Canada do you want to live in?

    A Canada that is, in the words of Pierre Trudeau, a refuge from militarism? Or a Canada that values good relations with the US over the peaceful, safe lives of ordinary people?

    A Canada that stands up for international law and human rights? Or a Canada that holds the US's coat while it bullies the world?

    Please help let them stay.
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