boo, take three

On our first Halloween in Canada, only two months after we moved here, I was excited about living in a house, and I wanted to join the festivities. We bought candy, and decorations, and I was looking forward to answering the door wearing a mask, and to doling out tooth decay to neighbourhood goblins.

Two kids came to the door.

The following year we intended to leave the light off and ignore the whole thing.

As it happened, that night, Halloween 2006, was the first time we saw what turned out to be our new house. There were dozens of kids out trick-or-treating, some with their parents, and it made us feel good about the neighbourhood.

Only a year ago, I was so upset that I had to move; it seemed like such a burden, and I was so sad to leave our little (cold, drafty) house in Port Credit. Now we are very settled and happy in this house. We love it here. Nice how that can happen.

So this year we're trying again. I'll be at a War Resisters Support Campaign meeting, so Allan will be home with the candy and the mask.


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