more east than north, but cottage country just the same

Ahhhh. The country. I just learned that even if you live in the suburbs and have a big backyard, getting away is as relaxing as ever. Even the drive here was lovely - once you're off the 401, it's all farmland, the same landscapes I've seen all my life in New York State.

For some reason, I thought we were going farther north, so I imagined the fall foliage would be in full colour. It's actually the same here as in Mississauga, partially turned and partially green. I'm just glad there are leaves on the trees. I have a bad habit of planning drives and hikes too late and seeing mainly bare branches.

The cottage is larger than we expected, with a high peaked ceiling and whitewashed walls, and an open, loft-style design, making it feel very spacious. All the cottages are very close together, but it doesn't matter, because we're the only ones staying here this week. Nice!

Our big front window faces the little lake, which Allan says is a pond. Between the cottage and the lake there's just our lounge chairs and picnic table. We brought our corkscrew tether for the dogs, so they have a good 50 feet of room to explore without our having to worry about them - well, about Tala - running off.

Yesterday we got set up, did a little food shopping, then ate and drank the day away. After dinner we drank wine on the chaise lounges and watched the stars come out.

We'll probably spend the morning reading and relaxing, then go for a hike in the afternoon. I found out there are aboriginal petroglyphs in a nearby provincial park! I hope they are accessible to the average day hiker, because I'd really like to see that.


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