elvis, big foot and hillary clinton

As I'm sure you know, the checkout line - that's "cash" in Canada, because Canadians like to use as many monosyllabic words as possible - in your grocery store just got a little duller. The venerable Weekly World News, always good for a chuckle as you wait, is no longer publishing a print edition. (Final issue on sale now!)

When Allan and I were a long-distance relationship, he often sent me his favourite WWN headlines. This was around the time of Talking Heads' True Stories, which we had a thing for. My favourite headline, which adorned my bulletin board for years, was "Head Transplants Now Possible - How Do You Know You're Really You?" (It's a tough question!) I also had a great "photo" of Hillary Clinton and her space-alien lover. You should've seen the tongue on that thing.

In all those years, though, I never thought much about who wrote those terrific stories. Truth be told, I never actually read any of the stories, I just enjoyed the headlines.

Woti-woti has answered the question I forgot to ask. Woti, who is both a friend of wmtc and a citizen of Joy Nation, sent me this story from Salon, written by Stan Sinberg. Sinberg wrote for WWN, and I was not surprised to learn he also writes for MAD magazine.

I really enjoyed it, perhaps you will, too.


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