
I think Tala may be obsessive compulsive, or at least could easily become so if we encouraged her. Which we won't.

She's always been fascinated when our neighbours water their gardens. She runs alongside the fence, trying to get wet. Some folks will play with her - spray her - and then she's in heaven.

We don't water our lawn (what a waste!), so it took Tala a while to realize that she could actually get sprayed in her own yard. But now that she's discovered it, she loves it. She craves it. She's obsessed with it.

To do this post justice, I would really need to post a video, but a description will have to suffice.

Tala has two favourite modes of spray. If you set the nozzle to mist, she closes her eyes, holds her face up into the spray, and simply basks. If you set it to jet, she runs face-first into the spray with her mouth wide open. We were afraid she would drown, but she must be closing her throat in some way, because she doesn't even cough. The jet is definitely her favourite.

When she's soaking wet and we don't want her to be completely water-logged, we can spray a high arc, which she will gleefully chase for as long as someone is willing to hold it.

Why do I say she's OCD? Because this is all she wants to do. She sits bolt upright in front of the hose, staring, looking from person to hose to person. She has completely lost interest in her Kongs, which I took pains to teach her to fetch, so she could get more exercise and leave Cody alone. If she picks up a Kong at all, it's only to place it in front of the hose. And sit. And stare. If you ask, "Tala, where's your toy?" - which used to cause her to run to the nearest Kong - she goes straight to the hose.

She's desperate to be sprayed, no matter what the weather. Is there a 12-step program for a garden hose?

hose 001
So, my friend, we meet again.

hose 002
Please, please, please...

hose 007
If I stare at it long enough, will it turn on?

hose 005
That's ok. I can wait.


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