canada out of afghanistan

The head of NATO is doing a PR stint in Quebec, trying to bolster support for the Afghan "mission" in that province. (Don't you love that euphemism? Why don't they start calling the soldiers "missionaries"?)

NATO is now pushing Canada to stay in Afghanistan past the current commitment, which expires in 2009. Let's hope an autumn election quashes any notion of that. From today's Star:
NATO has had a tough time convincing members of the 26-member military alliance to deploy troops alongside the Canadians in the dangerous regions of southern Afghanistan, where insurgent activity is highest.

Now it's facing the possibility that two of the nations already there – the Netherlands and Canada – could pull up stakes with no nations waiting in the wings to take their place.

The Netherlands, Scheffer's home country, is due to decide on its troop presence in southern Afghanistan this summer, a debate that could influence Canada's own decision, which isn't expected until next year.

Just this week, the Commons' defence committee issued a report calling for an immediate debate in Parliament on the future of Canada's presence in Afghanistan.

Immediate debate, then immediate withdrawal.


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