working without a net

Well, I just did something foolish, although not rash. After much thought and much conversation with my partner, I have quit my job at Crappy Firm, without another position lined up.

I kind of can't believe it myself.

I'll get other work. We'll make it work.

I hope that's true.

All day today, I thought, how can I quit a job that pays decently, that many people would be thrilled to have, when there are so many people toiling in horrible, low-paying jobs, or suffering under truly awful conditions, or unemployed?

Then I would think, if I stay in this job and continue to be miserable, will that help those people?

There's a slight possibility that Crappy Firm will want to negotiate in order to keep me. If they do, I will try. But I'm (obviously) not counting on that. They seem pretty rigid. So far their answer to everything has been, "This is Firm policy."

Well, well, well. Here's an adventure.


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