long weekend, or not

Monday is Victoria Day, reminding me that this begins my second summer in Canada.

Working weekends for so many years, these long weekends have never meant to me what they do for most working people. But right now the gorgeous spring weather, and the trees and flowers all coming to life, are bringing floods of memories.

Two years ago at this time, our long wait ended, we found the house in Port Credit and signed the lease, and the clock started ticking on our crazy final months in New York.

Last year at this time, we had just returned from Peru, and I started a new job. Every day brought another "my first ____ in Canada".

Now we're not the new kids on the block anymore. We're just living our lives, here in Canada.

* * * *

Last year someone at work told me that everyone calls this holiday "May Two-Four Day," but wmtc readers disagreed.

Just in time for the Queen's birthday, a court has cleared the way for Toronto man to file a class-action lawsuit challenging the requirement for new Canadians to pledge allegiance to the Queen. (I shared my feelings about this oath a while back.) Although this lawsuit stands little chance of prevailing, I can't help thinking how nice it would be to become a Canadian citizen without this anachronistic requirement attached.

* * * *

Next weekend is Doors Open Toronto, the city's annual architectural landmark event. This is the kind of thing I would love but normally wouldn't be able to attend. Right now, however, there's a chance I could!

My current round of writing assignments is due soon, and between baseball, the great weather and job-hunting, I'm not getting all that much done. So unfortunately, I might not be able to go anyway.

But if I do, do you have any favourites to recommend? Must-sees I should get to? I'm generally pretty down on Toronto architecture, so this could be an opportunity to have my eyes opened. I'll see how the work goes.

But even if I don't end up attending Doors Open, I'll keep the list from the Star for future walks.


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