saturday april 28: impeach day

This Saturday, April 28, is Impeach Day. From World Can't Wait:
The Bush administration is carrying out war crimes and crimes against humanity as you read this. A war of aggression in Iraq that is taking countless innocent lives, legalized torture, military tribunals which strip away the most basic of legal rights, warrantless spying, and now plans for attacking Iran being drawn up. This must be brought to a halt, and the Bush administration must be impeached for war crimes.

Yet Congress, now with a Democratic majority, refuses to act in any meaningful way to stop the Bush regime, declaring that impeachment is "off the table", and recently approving $100 billion more for the Iraq war. It will be up to the people to mobilize massive resistance that demands Bush's impeachment for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

On April 28, World Can't Wait is joining with other pro-impeachment organizations in calling for people across the country to make the demand for impeachment visible everywhere.

Some ideas people have come up with so far include: human murals (like Beach Impeach), putting up signs on freeway overpasses, writing it on the streets with chalk, handing out cookies with it spelled out in frosting, planting flower beds in the shape of the word, spelling it out with Nathan's hot dogs on the Coney Island boardwalk, and projecting it on the sides of buildings. Then we'll all upload our photos and videos to the website, vote on our favorites, and they'll be compiled into a video for TV. So how would you like to spell it out?

US readers, to find out what's being done in your area, or to organize and publicize an event yourself, go to A28.0rg. While you're there, check out ImpeachSpace, a social network for people who support impeachment. Organizers say, "It's like MySpace, but for impeachment."


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