harper's environmental plan, khadr's trial: both frauds

Al Gore has called the Tory environmental plan "a complete and total fraud" "designed to mislead the Canadian people". Conservative Environment Minister John Baird points to Gore's eight years as Vice President, which doesn't change the validity of Gore's observation.

* * * *

Readers have also asked me to blog about the impending "trial" of Omar Khadr, the Canadian who has been held at the US Guantanamo Bay concentration camp since 2002, when he was 15 years old. Now 20, Khadr was imprisoned without charges for five years. Last week, the US charged him murder, attempted murder, spying, and providing material support to the enemy and conspiracy, and plans to try him before a military court.

Khadr's detention, his imprisonment without charges, and the tribunal he will face are a totalitarian nightmare worthy of Orwell or Kafka. I don't know what, if anything, Khadr has done. I do know that the US's response is so far outside of what civilized societies governed by the rule of law are supposed to do that it renders anything that comes from it utterly meaningless.

Guantanamo should be emptied. It should stand empty, forever, as a beacon of caution, a monument to human potential, like Auschwitz. Whatever happens to the US in the future, this will always be its eternal shame.


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