courage to resist

Courage To Resist, an excellent organization that supports war resisters and educates the public about them, is in desperate need of funds.

Helga Aguayo, wife of war resister Augustin Aguayo says:
"I don't know if I could have gone through all of this without the support of Courage to Resist. They have been amazing. They have been pivotal in Agustin's campaign. We didn't know how to start a political and legal defense campaign. They were there when he held a press conference in Los Angeles, when he turned himself in at Fort Irvin, and when he was court martialed in Germany. It meant a lot to know that we had a commitment from Courage to Resist that they were going to stand behind us and help us through the whole process. They helped us by organizing fundraisers and just calling to see how we are doing and trying to meet our needs. If you can donate to Courage to Resist you really are helping the soldiers that choose to resist this war."

Sara Rich, mother of war resister Suzanne Swift, says:
"My daughter Suzanne went AWOL days before her second deployment to Iraq as a result of her severe post traumatic stress disorder and military sexual trauma of her first tour. When she didn't return to Iraq, we were scared to death and did not know where to turn for help. However, we found Courage to Resist. The staff and volunteers were amazing and continue to support us through a horrible battle and ordeal."

The Courage to Resist website is full of stories of true bravery and heroism. Clicking on the name of one of the people they are helping, you can go to a blog with news and backstory about that person.

Most of us are trying to end the war from our desk chairs, and occasionally in the streets. Agustin Aguayo, Ehren Watada, Ivan Brobeck, Suzanne Swift, Ricky Clousing and others are putting their freedom and their own lives on the line to help usher in peace. Please consider helping them, through a donation to Courage to Resist.


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