
Ahhhh! All my writing assignments are in, all my deadlines are met, and I've worked my last full work-week for a while. What a great feeling.

Besides lots of short days and days-off for these various holidays - Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve - I get an extra vacation day in place of Boxing Day! Because Boxing Day falls on a day I don't work, I can either get an extra day's pay, or take an extra day off in 2007. Christmas happens to fall on a day I do work, but if it didn't, I'd get another freebie for that one. Who says I don't love Christmas?!

Allan's been packing for a couple of weeks, and now I can join the fun. But today, there's something very important on our agenda: the switch to beta.

Blogger started offering beta to FTP blogs (i.e., blogs with a non- address) a while ago, but I had too much going on to deal with it. I've been dying to do it - which was good incentive to hurry up and finish all my assignments.

From what I read, the FTP upgrade is not completely painless. It's also untested with the host I use, Laughing Squid: they prefer Word Press, so that's what most of their clients use. But I've got to do it. Plus it's a precursor to my site redesign, which is coming... soon... I hope.

So, fingers crossed, Joy Of Sox and wtmc will be joining the beta blogosphere later today.


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