
In today's Star, I notice that Ontario liquor laws will be modernized a bit. When I saw the headline, I naturally wondered about our recent LCBO discussion. But that doesn't appear to be up for debate.

These are a few obscure laws such as making it legal to drink a glass of wine while on a winery tour, or for makers of beer, wine and liquor to sell samples of their drinks on their premises. That one's odd because they appear to do that now.

The central idea of the changes, however, is rape prevention. New laws would make it legal for people in bars to take their drinks into the washroom with them, rather than leave their drink unattended. Anything that brings awareness to the terrible problem of Rohypnol-induced rape is a good thing. I would hope by now women (especially college-aged women) know not to leave their drinks unattended, and if anything prevents them from taking drinks into the washroom, they are either flouting the law or throwing away their drinks.

I'm sorry, though, to see the Star consistently use the phrase "date rape" as if it's something other than rape. Letter-writing time. Information on Rohypnol here.

Also in this morning's paper, I saw a terrific photo of Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion decked out in a gorgeous purple sari.
At Trillium Health Centre's Maharani and Maharaja Gala, an extravagant evening featuring indoor fireworks and South Asian food and entertainment, an 85-year-old gori (white woman) named Hazel was belle of the ball.

As in Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion, a.k.a. the Energizer Bunny. Arriving fashionably late, she made a grand entrance, drop-dead gorgeous in a fuchsia chiffon sari edged with silver thread, complete with a bindi dot on her forehead and matching silver bangles. All night long, people were coming up to the mayor to offer compliments and request photos.
Talk has already started in Mississauga about who will possibly follow - for no one will replace - the mighty McCallion. She's 85 years old, on her 10th term as mayor, and she runs Mississauga like a well-oiled machine.

Although I had my fears about living in the suburbs, Mississauga is a great place to live in many ways. Services are amazing, and property taxes are among the lowest in the GTA, thanks to all the corporate headquarters here. I love that our mayor was a pioneer of women's hockey.

hazel sari


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